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What You Need to Know About Remi Cachet Ultra Tips

Writer's picture: Hot LocksHot Locks

What You Need to Know About Remi Cachet Ultra Tips

Remi Cachet Ultra Tips are an innovative hair extension fitting method which three ‘U’s to take in Ultra Flat, Ultra Light and give Ultra Coverage and makes one amazing hair extension system. With Ultra Tips, there’s no glue or heat to damage your natural hair, and the hair is completely reusable, which means it’s an even more worthwhile investment.

Fitting and Removal

The Tips are thin, flexible and they lie flat, just like fused Flat Bonds, so unlike some other methods, they can’t be felt when you run your hand over your head. The Ultra Tip is fitted to your natural hair with a tiny copper Ultra Lock that is compressed flat. The Ultra Locks are only about the size of an earring back.

As for removal and refitting, I usually recommend you have it done every 12 weeks. To remove the extensions, the Ultra Locks are opened, the natural hair that has shed is teased away from the rest of the hair, then the Ultra Tips are refitted using new Ultra Locks.

The Benefits of Ultra Tips

• They are quick to apply

• The tips never need to be replaced, so removal and refit is possible in the same appointment

• They look very natural

• The strands have a lightweight and comfortable feel

• They lie completely flat to the head

• No heat or glue is used

• The hair is reusable

• You can wear your hair up easily, unlike with other types of extensions where bonds might be visible.

One thing to note, however, is that because the Ultra Locks are made from copper, they aren’t suitable for people who have allergies to metals.

Looking after your Ultra Tips

After your fitting, I’ll give you some aftercare advice that should ensure that your extensions stay in perfect condition. Using the recommended hair products is very important, as some shampoos contain sulphates and parabens which can dry hair extensions out and others contain silicone that can cause strands to slip out.

Washing your Ultra Tips

Apply shampoo to the scalp but don’t scrub your hair as your usually would as this can cause matting and tangling. Instead massage up and down the scalp and allow the lather to naturally flow through the lengths and ends of your extensions. Make sure you have rinsed out the shampoo completely.

When using conditioner, treat the lengths and ends only, because if you apply it over the Ultra Locks, it can cause the extensions to slip out.

Before you begin styling, pat hair dry with a towel and use a wide toothed comb or hair extension brush to detangle the extensions, working from the ends up to just below the locks. Don’t comb the locks.

Drying your Ultra Tips

Dry hair on a low to medium heat, starting at the roots. You can use straighteners and curling wands or tongs, but be sure to keep them away from the locks and the tips.

Avoiding matting

Matted extensions are a big cause of damage to natural hair because it puts tension on the roots. That’s why it’s important to separate the locks once per week as they can become tangled. If they become matted, the extensions will usually have to be removed from the matted area and the matting will need to be gently teased out which means your removal appointment can take longer and cost more.

Colouring your Ultra Tips

I don’t recommend colouring your extensions, especially with this method, because the Ultra Locks are made from metal which shouldn’t come into contact with tint, bleach, or peroxide.

Lifestyle and your Ultra Tips

• Don’t sleep with damp hair

• Tie your hair in a loose ponytail or plait before you go to bed. Never go to bed when your extensions are still damp as this can cause matting.

• You can swim, but there are rules: always wear a swimming cap if possible, and protect your extensions by applying a conditioner to the hair, plaiting it, and putting it up out of the way. Shampoo your hair as soon as you are out of the pool.

• If you use a sauna or steam room, wrap your hair up in a towel.

• You can still exercise, but always tie your hair up and wash it afterwards.

You can book your consultation direct from the booking link on the website and find out how I can help you achieve the hair of your dreams. If you require further information before booking then please text/whatsapp/ring 07932078004.


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